
Automatically included, informs the search engines on the pages to be indexed.


Automatically generated, helps your website with the search engine rankings.

Open Graph

Share image, title and description of your pages using Open Graph.

User Agent

Vary Vary User Agent informs search engines about the type of device used to navigate your website by users.

Page title

Customize the title of each page of your site to optimize the ranking.

Title & Description

Customize the title and description of every single page of your site to optimize its positioning.

URL & Redirect

Customize the URLs (web addresses) of each page of your website to optimize its ranking. Set the correct Redirect 301.

Alt & Title tag

Customize the alt and title of each image of your site to optimize its ranking.

Compare plans

Simply Site

7,66 €

month - VAT excluded


Simply Site

7,60 €*

month - VAT excluded

14,33 €/month renewal


Simply Site

15,62 €*

month - VAT excluded

14,33 €/month renewal

Check the promotion conditions here.
Discover all the features of the plans available

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