.tel - Generic

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www. .tel

Registration rules for .tel domain:

  • No requirements.
  • Can be registered both by companies and individuals.
  • No limit to the number of registered domains.
  • TelNic's DNS are obbligatory
  • Number of characters: 2 - 63
  • Numeric domains between 2 and 7 digits are also allowed

Why choose a .tel domain?

Would you like to manage all the ways people can reach you without the need to build, host or manage a website and at the same time maintaining a full control over your private data?
The new top level domain was created to satisfy similar needs of many people and companies worldwide: .TEL!
.Tel is not just a domain, it is an innovative tool for internet communications, enabling companies and individuals to be reached from any internet enabled device.

You can store 5 different types of information under your .tel domain:
1. Contact info - telephone, mobile, email, voip, fax
2. Content links - HTTP or FTP sites, Corporate Websites
3. Navigation links - country, city, branch, department, brands
4. Geolocation - maps to HQ address, local address
5. Indexable text - information, keywords

Store, update and publish all your contact information, web links and keywords directly on the internet under your own unique .tel domain! Simple, fast and accessible from any device, .tel provides a new internet standard for you to take full control over how and where people reach you.

*The Customer undertakes to comply with the "Acceptable Use Policy" reacheable at http://www.register.it/domains/tld/tel.html. The Customer undertakes also to utilize the DNS provided by Telnic (In the .TEL Domain Name registration are not included the added services provided by Nominalia set out in the Service Order.) and to maintain always up-to-date the own contact data published on the .TEL domain.



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