.mobi - Generic

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www. .mobi

Registration rules for .mobi domain:

  • No requirements
  • The site content must abide to the Authority's requirements (home page written in XHTML-MP, pages without frames, site published on a second-level domain)
  • Can be registered both by companies and individuals
  • No limit to the number of registered domain names
  • Number of characters: maximum 3-63 extension excluded. 1-2 characters are allowed when the Registry gives a special consent to it
  • Accepted characters: 'a - z', '0 - 9', and '-. However, these characters cannot appear as the first or last characters of the domain name

Why choose a .mobi domain?

.MOBI - Ready for the mobile web?

Register your .MOBI ...and create your site that can be viewed with a mobile phone.

MOBI is the only recognized top level domain for the mobile internet (Mobile phones, Personal digital assistants, BlackBerry devices, Pocket PCs, etc.) guaranteeing ease-of-use and fast access for customers
Researches revealed there are 4 times as many mobile phones as PCs in the world today and growing.

By registering a .MOBI:

You can increase the number of accesses to your site also reaching all those users that access the Web through mobile devices. More than half of the mobile phones currently in use are capable of surfing on Internet with growing interest on behalf of users.
You can expand and strengthen your Web communication strategy.
To ensure the final user that the present contents are correctly displayed by the mobile devices you must follow the rules below:

  • XHTML Mobile Profile: when you access a .mobi domain from a browser the server must give an answer coded in XHTML-MP. This does not mean that the whole site has to be edited in XHTML-MP, the Home Page is enough.
  • Second level domains the .mobi must be second level domains.
  • No frame: sites associated to .mobi domains cannot contain frames.

Create your MOBI site with the online mobi tool.

You can also test your .MOBI site
with ready.moby Find and correct eventual errors by following the instructions.



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